Youth Ministry



Ignite is our youth program which is for grades 7th thru 12th. It is held every Wednesday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm during the school year. We try to involve our youth in local rallies, conferences, and outreach opportunities (missions – local and international, community service, evangelism, service projects, youth camp (Super-C and/or Grand Oaks), etc.) for opportunities to come to know the Lord or to grow spiritually. Sometimes, this is accomplished by teaming up with other local or international ministries.  

Our mission is to Ignite a fire in the souls and hearts of the young men and women who enter through our doors for Jesus. We strive to connect personally with them and help them see their worth to God and how much God loves them. Additionally, we hope to show them who God reveals Himself to be through his Word and how they can have a personal relationship with him. We desire to start them off on the way they should go so that even when they are old they will not part from it (Proverbs 22:6). We hope to enable our youth to see the meaning of life by way of example, and that by example and through prayer, hearts will be captured by Jesus, lives will be changed and disciples will be made (Acts 2:42). Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Through discipleship, leaders will be brought forth, nations will be touched, seeds will be planted, watered, and nourished – lives will be saved.

If there are any questions regarding when and where we meet, please feel free to call 816 233-6446.


TeamKid is always a great time as children three years through the sixth grade get together and make new friends, enjoy activities, refreshments and hear a story from the Bible! TeamKid meets every Wednesday night during the school-year from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM. We hope you’ll come and make your child a part of this great opportunity to teach them about God and His love for them! Our Wednesday night activities includes supper at 5:30PM.

Vacation Bible School

2024:  Vacation Bible School will be held July 7th through the 11th, 2024 from 5:30 to 8:00PM. This includes a light supper at 5:30PM. The curriculum includes Bible stories, crafts, games and snacks. We are looking forward to your child attending this awesome time of fun learning about Jesus.

For questions, please contact us at 816 233-6446 or send us an email at